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A few simple reflexes to enjoy your bouquet even longer…

Classic bouquet

  1. Choose a clean vase adapted to the size of your bouquet.
  2. Fill it with water.
  3. Cut the stems at an angle of 1 to 2 cm with a clean and sharp knife.
  4. Arrange your bouquet in the vase, making sure that the foliage doesn’t come into contact with the water.
  5. Your bouquet will flourish cool and away from drafts.

Advice :

  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 every two days to see your bouquet bloom for days and days …
  • Don’t leave it near a fruit cup.

The fruits give off ethylene oxide, which causes the flowers to age prematurely.

Gerbera 2

Bouquet of gerberas

  1. Choose a clean vase adapted to the size of your bouquet.
  2. Fill it with a good bottom of tap water at room temperature. Don’t fill the vase more than half.
  3. Cut the stems at an angle of 1 to 2 cm with a clean and sharp knife.
  4. Arrange your bouquet in the vase making sure to regularly check the water level.
  5. Your gerbera bouquet will bloom in the cool, away from drafts and sun.

Advice :

  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 every two days to see your bouquet bloom for days and days …
  • Don’t leave it near a fruit cup.

The fruits give off ethylene oxide, which causes the flowers to age prematurely.